Life speaks.
Are you listening?

The spirits call me:
The woman in the boat who meets others on the threshold.
I am an initiated diviner in the tradition of the Dagara people, a lineage originating in Burkina Faso and Ghana, West Africa, and popularized by Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé.
Stick divination is an indigenous, earth-based, shamanic practice that facilitates powerful healing and alignment through channeled messages and ritual work unique to each person that sits with me.
Divination in this tradition is considered a method to ‘open the way’ in one’s life.
It is an 8,000+ year old lineage that connects one to the many immediate forms and doorways of the divine.

Katharine’s work is so vital and so human.
I cannot understate how deeply connected to my lineage I now feel and that is due to the power of her divination.
S. Hook
What is a divination?
Divinations are like spiritual diagnostics.
They show us what is in need of healing.
Through the power of divination, you are able to receive channeled messages from ancestors, guiding spirits, and elemental entities (i.e. the consciousness of mountain, earth, water) who wish to assist you.
The messages and rituals that are given to you are designed to illuminate your healing path – and when completed in a timely manner, provide real and tangible results.
In your divination, you will receive direct answers to your questions/prayers, be offered powerful guidance from the ancient ones, and provided unique rituals to complete as part of your healing process.

Kat's divination offered insight into ancestral blockages that were not even on my radar. The rituals unlocked a new level of authenticity and fearlessness. Her medicine has dethroned my mind as the leader of my life, which has already returned me to my feminine flow and I anticipate will continue to move my life in the direction of heart-centered purpose.
D. Galperin
Divinations can assist you with…
Remembering your true nature
Aligning to your soul path
Illuminating opportunities for your expansion
Uncovering your gifts + activating your potential
Healing ancestral trauma and inherited patterns
Revealing the larger scope of your purpose on this planet
Divinations can be extra potent when…
You are at a crossroads, threshold, or life milestone
You are experiencing a spiritual emergency
You are asking deep questions about yourself + your life
You are feeling blocked or obstructed somehow
You are ready to heal limiting ideas and beliefs
You are wanting to do ancestral healing

I feel open, alive, empowered, inspired, and ready. Thank you for your powerful and deeply resonant work and channeling.
S. Fox

Things to know before
scheduling a divination.
Rituals acclimate and (re)acquaint one with the larger rhythms and forces of existence.
They also align the mind, body, and soul in order to enact a significant shift in one’s experience.
Rituals are where the true medicine lives, for you are the healer of your own wounds. They should be done with respect and reverence. Not completing your prescribed rituals is considered disrespectful to the ancestors and beings who are offering healing assistance to you.
Please only schedule a divination if you are committed to completing your rituals.
Divinations in this tradition provide both a personal reading and several rituals for your healing.
These rituals are unique to your situation and questions, and should be considered an essential part of your session.
The rituals are nature-based, usually requiring a few ingredients that can be easily procured, and must be completed within a 3-4 week timespan in order to see results.

My journey with divination was so important to my growth as an individual, a human, and a soul. I appreciate the connection you gave me to the universe. Thank you so much!
I firmly believe in the magic of this medicine.
N. Hussein
My way to
the medicine.
I came to divination
through my own healing journey.
Right away, it was a medicine that astonished and awed me for the alignment, insights, and miraculous effects it generated.
The insights and rituals that came through this ancient medicine struck a deep chord in my being.
Together these practices propelled me through a powerful and necessary doorway in my own inner development – and along the way I experienced spontaneous healings, profound revelations, and a sense of purpose coalescing in a way that rearranged my entire world.
My experience of the living world radically changed forever.
For the better.
This medicine has taught me how to be in connection with myself and everything around me. For those used to Western constructs of ‘knowledge’ and ‘wisdom’ this way of communing with nature might challenge your worldview completely.
For in this medicine, there is a remembering of sacred earth intelligence.
It is a great honor to be invited into this lineage and to be initiated as a diviner. I wish you every blessing and look forward to being of service to you, your healing, and your mission on this planet.
I offer this incredible medicine
with deep reverence
for those who walked before me.
It is only through the radical generosity, selfless devotion, and deep wisdom of my ancestors, teachers, elders, lineage holders, and elemental beings that I am able to transmit these messages and carry forward the Houses of Bakhe and Tampla.
Deep bow to my teacher Mark Bockley and his teachers Malidoma Somé, Martine Somé, Narcisse Somé, and Nahillé.
A Note on Cultural Context.
Yes, I am a white person working
within a traditional West African lineage.
To be invited into this lineage is a privilege that I do not take for granted. While there is much to say on this subject, I wish to address a few (natural and normal) concerns about my work and its indigenous cultural context.
Unlike many other traditions that have moved out of their original context, there is no way to join this lineage unless specifically invited by the spirits themselves. This invitation is corroborated through a blind confirmation that eliminates human bias. There is no teacher training or certification for stick divination.
Only the beings determine who will be invited in to carry this medicine.
Almost every ancient culture has their version of the “wild ones” which is how we refer to one of the primary groups of beings we work with as diviners. You might recognize the fae, leprechauns, and little people – and perhaps you too once had the ability to communicate with them.
It is humans who have forgotten that we are woven into something much bigger.
Ultimately I find that this wild medicine uses any doorway it can find to speak and reach people. This medicine is an extension of nature itself – of the elemental soul of the world.
It wishes to bridge what has been broken.
This is part of my work as a white diviner who works outside the original context of this medicine. I recognize and honor the privilege and responsibility of being welcomed into this lineage, and I walk with the blessing of the beings and elders in Africa. For those like me who lost their ancestral root in the earth, who exist outside a true ‘motherland’, this medicine can help you remember what is more real, not what is borrowed or stolen.
Ritual is a bloodline to the wild, elemental nature that lives in us all.
Expressing this aspect is your birthright as a being on this planet.
I am always happy to refer you to a diviner of color if that feels better for you. Ask and you shall receive.

Nine bows of gratitude to you for being part of and facilitating one of the most profound healings of my life.
P. Tavernise
175 - 300 USD.
I offer divinations on a sliding fee scale to make this medicine accessible. Payment is paid via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo the day of your session.
If this is out of your price range, please contact me.
I offer reduced rates to those disproportionately impacted by wealth inequality on a limited monthly basis.
Keeping Your Spirit Appointment
If you want to book with me,
please read this first.
I am asked all the time if I keep a waiting list. I do not.
There are many reasons for this – the primary ones being that I value my time too much to manage a list of people who may or may not be available on a last minute basis if someone does not show or has to cancel their divination.
Cancellations rarely happen.
However. I do sometimes have people who miss their divination because they do not accept the calendar invites sent to their email OR they assume that the times I provide are in their time zone, even though all calendar invites should adjust to the current zone you live in.
I book with people all around the world. It is not my responsibility to know YOUR time zone. I live in EST and all times given are in EST. This is indicated in all my communication. It is YOUR responsibility to do those calculations, check your schedule, make sure you accept the invitation sent to you, and have done your preparation.
This is respectful to both me and your ancestors.
If you miss your session and do not provide notice in advance and still want to reschedule with me, I will require a non-refundable payment up front to confirm your session. You will be charged 50% of the base rate (87 USD) for your missed appointment in addition to my standard rate for your actual divination session (200 USD) for a total of 287 USD.

To the Holder of Spirits and Giver of Truths.
C. Reeves