Soul Mentorship

Multi-dimensional 1:1 guidance for humans doing big soul work.

Your soul’s evolution is

a powerful and messy process.

If you are here, you might be
in the middle of some life turbulence.

Perhaps your soul is calling you into greater expression and you’re moving through a massive transformation.

Or maybe you’ve experienced a significant consciousness event that has thrust you into unknown territory.

You could be struggling with your spiritual compass or feeling lost.

All of a sudden, you’ve become someone…different.

The ground has shifted beneath your feet.
Your sense of reality has been shaken.

You are in the profound process of a tremendous soul recalibration.

You’ve experienced an awakening on some level – an expansion of your consciousness that you can’t reverse. Congrats, friend! You’ve popped open the biscuit can and there’s no going back. The change you are facing probably feels both terrifying and exhilarating. You might be feeling uncomfortable, disorienting, and confused.

Because real soul growth requires you to face and integrate your inner demons.
Real soul growth requires ALL of you to show up.

But this kind of work isn’t something that many of us are taught how to navigate skillfully. It’s hard y’all! You’re being shaken, not stirred, and you’re probably wondering when this wild ride is going to end –and who you will be afterward.

You’re not just seeking answers or support – you’re in need of a ride or die guide who has walked through these doors.

I highly recommend working with Kat if you're feeling confused, stuck or otherwise unsure of how to move forward in your life. This is powerful medicine.


Why Work With Me?

My clients are on the verge

of a momentous uplevel.

You feel the tectonic shift of a new chapter or a deeper self coming online – and are looking for support on how to navigate this soul evolution.

I am best equipped to serve those who are navigating significant transitions, crossroads or thresholds, experiencing deep stuckness or rapid expansion, and feeling unanchored or adrift in their life.

More often than not, my clients are seeking a spiritual answer to a life challenge or change.

My clients come to me because they recognize that the next level of growth will require a different approach.

Spiritual mentorship is not about addressing the symptoms and impacts, but bringing the system back into wholeness. In doing this, we get curious about what coherence looks like for you, versus trying to “solve a problem” or come at ourselves with a ‘fixing’ mindset.

You are not a problem to be solved.

From the perspective of wholeness, we can better understand what balance looks like and where you are in resistance or falling back into old patterns and beliefs. When we listen deeply, we can better harmonize with the change that is wanting to happen and integrate it so that you feel coherence in all aspects of the self.

Soul mentorship is a 1:1 container designed to invite your own innate healing intelligence to come forward.

This container combines advising and mentorship, shamanic practices and modalities (such as divination or shamanic journeying), and a sprinkle of life coaching to address the multi-dimensional aspects of your spiritual growth and development at a significant juncture in your journey.

Any rupture of one’s ‘normal’ reality is a significant sign that something in us is ready to expand past the known frontiers.

If you feel like you’re standing on the edge of an invisible cliff…you’re in the right place.

In this space, we remove what is blinding or limiting you in order to better calibrate your reality to what is true.

My role is to be a mirror for the profound knowing that exists inside of you already.

My Zones of Genius


Growth is destabilizing. It challenges old patterns and habits. It requires a tremendous willingness to meet the mystery of our future self.

Breakthroughs emerge from the dangerous, brave, and wild process of reclaiming oneself. Let this change you.


Life builds our capacity to meet the next level of our development through initiatory events and uplevels.

These tremendous life passages are designed to pressurize us into becoming who we are. Learn how to work with these forces, and rise to any occasion.

of Power

My clients come to me because they recognize that the next level of growth will require a different approach.

Power is coherence. Coherence is a state of embodied alignment. A deep listening to the forces working (with) you. Anchor your essence – then act.

If You Are…

Navigating a Crossroads, Threshold,
or Fork in the Road

In Existential Crisis

Questioning the Meaning of Life

Integrating a Massive Plant Medicine Experience

Wondering WTF You Should Do

Feeling Lost, Untethered, or

Figuring Out Your Next Big Step

Then I’m your woman.
Let’s work together.

A potent soul quest for those
who are ready to investigate their
next evolutionary step.

Work With Me


doesn’t happen in a linear fashion.

We ebb and flow like the waves of the ocean.

As such, I have structured my packages to accommodate my client’s needs and to support their rhythm. Some need regular weekly support for a month or two, and then taper off. Others need spaciousness and duration. It all depends on what you’re moving through.

I am here to move with you.

Single Session

350 USD

A powerful 90-min investigation and purposeful activation to move from confusion to coherence.

This session is designed to expose your boldest vision and biggest resistance. Here we explore purposeful strategy, soul alignment, next steps, and the patterns holding you back.

5-Session Package

1650 USD

For people navigating major life transitions, plant medicine integration, and other big evolutionary experiences, the 5-session packages of 90min sessions was made for you. Extended support over a period of time. These sessions can be scheduled at any interval (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) that suits.

Integrate soul experiences

with an expert guide.

Crunchy moments are normal and necessary.

It is how you evolve and build your capacity to hold more. (It can also turn you into a hot mess.)

Profound experiences are those that shake our roots and rock our world – for the better, once the dust clears. Regardless of whether you identify as spiritual or religious or atheist, we all experience the kinds of significant, mysterious moments in life that redefine us.

These brutal wake up calls inevitably touch the soul.

My life has been a series of deep learning through what the buddhists call “little deaths – two brutal rock bottoms, formative spiritual initiations, multiple career reincarnations, several dark nights of the soul, and a few identity reinvention tours.

My search for something greater has put me to the test –but the good news is:

Every evolutionary crucible has a profound gift.
I’m here to help you harvest yours.

Get Started

Single Session

5-Session Package

 Kat will listen and help you find a meaning that serves you as you navigate your spiritual journey. I always begin our sessions in an anxious state and end in a peaceful one. And I exhale.
