My Relationship with Money

Money is a current that keeps me connected to the flow of energy in my life.

I understand that money has a messy history and can be a triggering issue for some, especially in regards to spiritual practices and reciprocity. I’m not one of those people. I like money. I like talking about it, I like receiving it, I like giving it. It feels wonderfully good to me to give money to the people and experiences that enhance my life and wellbeing.

I enjoy being in the flow of resources.

As a spiritual person with a spiritual practice and mostly service-based offerings, I recognize that I situate my work inside Capitalism, an exploitative system that is deeply problematic. While I offer a variety of flexible payment scales to increase access to my work, at this moment in time I cannot detach my existence completely from this structure.

I do not hold guilt or shame around my participation in this system or my desire to receive reciprocity that honors my energy, time, presence, and training. It is a very American perspective to devalue healing and those who provide it.

As a woman and as a healer, I make the conscious choice to not participate in my own extraction by giving more than I receive.

I set my pricing based on a variety of factors: market value (as much as the market can value healing!), what I invest into the offering, and what feels nice to receive.

After 15+ years offering transformational services and offerings at a variety of price points (including free, donation-based, sliding scale, and fixed price), what is clear to me is that people commit when they have made an intentional financial investment.

Your monetary exchange is your energetic skin in the game.

I’m not interested in working with people who do not value my work, as that means they are not open to receiving what is here for them or what I have to give. This diminishes the opportunity for healing to occur, and I’m here for the healing.

I realize some people might not be able to afford me. I realize that some people might have thoughts or opinions on the validity or value of my pricing. I’m not here to prove my worth or diminish my value to make anyone comfortable. I am not for everyone, and I am good with that. I value my work at certain prices because I know the value of what I offer, I have witnessed firsthand the results, and anything less would require a devaluing of my time or energy.

I’m not interested in that dynamic or willing to make that sacrifice.

Occasionally I make exceptions for people that are experiencing financial hardship, or who have been systemically impacted by wealth inequality. I prioritize people who have already demonstrated an investment in themselves, and in me. These are usually folks with whom I am in established relational / community spaces and who I have worked with previously in some capacity.

I share this information to be transparent about how I position myself and my work so that you can make the best choice for yourself. My prices will shift and change to reflect where I’m at in my own development, and the quality of care that I offer. I have found that I do my best work with those who trust me, who are expansive in their life and perspective, who are willing to invest deeply in themselves, and who reciprocate as generously as I give.

I invite you to trust your intuition as to whether I am the right person to steward your care and learning. I am always happy to offer referrals to trusted people in my network if I am not your person. If you do feel that I am the right facilitator and guide for you, then I welcome you and look forward to working together.

I continue to hold a vision for the world where money doesn’t determine access to resources, especially healing modalities.

Sliding Fee Scales

General Guidelines

I offer both psychedelic journeys and divinations on a sliding fee scale basis.

The highest dollar cost reflects the true value of these services.
It is what I would charge everyone in the absence of a sliding fee scale. If you have access to financial security, own property, have investments or personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services. If you are able to pay for “wants” and spend little time worried about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege and power in our community. This price is for you.

The middle cost reflects my acknowledgement that paying the full cost would stretch your finances a bit or make you question whether this is the right investment for you right now.
You probably don’t relate to either the highest cost demographic or the lowest. If you are struggling to conquer debt or build savings or move away from paycheck to paycheck living but have access to steady income and are not spending most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs (such as food, shelter, childcare, medical care, etc) then this price is for you.

The lowest cost represents an honest acknowledgement that there are folks whose economic circumstances would prevent them from participating in these healing modalities if there was not a deliberate opportunity for them to access services at a cost that reflects this reality. If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as housing, food, childcare, and/or are living paycheck to paycheck without much external assistance to access healing, this price is for you.

Unfortunately, I do not offer further discounts or scholarships to access these modalities because they require significant investments of time, energy, expertise, and supplies on my end.

If you are someone who still cannot afford me, I am happy to refer you to another practitioner who can accommodate your needs.

Credit for the descriptions of Social Equity Pricing goes to Alexis J. Cunningfolk, with deep thanks for the clarity of her words.