A 9-Month Power Rite of Passage
for Self-Initiates
A Portal to Activate Your Power
A Deep Dive Into Your Soul Medicine
A Reckoning With Your Shadow
A Journey to Reclaim
Your Ancient Wisdom Self

You are a self-initiate.
Someone with knowledge, skill, awareness.
You’ve birthed yourself before.
You are on the path.
Lately you’ve been expanding rapidly.
Because something in you has awakened.
You are at a new level of your work.
And you need support walking your road.
You are being asked to step up.
To embody your ancient power.
To become the wisdom keeper
your ancestors dreamed of.
Signs You Are Experiencing
an Initiation
You are currently experiencing a powerful expansion or spiritual growth spurt.
You are at a significant crossroads or fork in the road in some area of your life.
You are experiencing the emergence of spiritual gifts and/or healing abilities.
You are currently going through a spiritual crisis or dark night of the soul – a “rupture of reality” as you know it.
You have undergone or are undergoing a big identity shift.
You feel ready to step into more aspects of your gifts, mastery, and personal power at larger levels in your life.
You are feeling untethered, disoriented, destabilized,, or potentially like you’ve lost your marbles a bit. Next steps don’t feel clear yet.
Your life might be falling apart in any number of ways.
You’ve received “the call” – an invitation, message, or knowing about your purpose, mission, or sacred work in this world.
You know that you can no longer walk this road alone.
What happens in
This is a wisdom school for
self-initiates who need deep support.
INITIATION supports you in cultivating unshakeable power + self-mastery through monthly wisdom teachings, group ritual,
and ceremonial rites.
We have found that deep, sustainable change is made
more possible through these practices.
Because these ancient ceremonial and ancestral tools and technologies are proven to support you in grounding your energy and anchoring your personal medicine into a coherent field so you can hold more power.
True power is rooted in the earth.
Doors of Power
Each month we explore a different theme, or Door of Power. These themes are presented through a recorded teaching that is shared with the group at the beginning of the month in order to orient your perspective. What you learn each month will be applied to your life in different ways.
The goal of these teachings are to strengthen your understanding and identify areas of weakness that relate to the different Doors of Power in your life.
Power Experiments
Each Door of Power has different recommended rituals and practices associated with it. These influences will be integrated into your month at your discretion.
You will receive guided written + recorded prompts on how best to activate this particular Door of Power.
Each month you will put in motion different experiences and experiments that teach you about existing opportunities and underdeveloped areas.
Rites + Rituals
Initiatory experiences develop our capacity to hold more complexity and information, increase our resiliency in the face of friction or change, and support participants in developing a high-integrity relationship with their power and medicine.
You will be tasked with creating and sustaining sacred and ceremonial containers for yourself throughout this experience.
This will support you in calling in more strength, discipline, and power.
Doors of Power
The Power of the Sword
Energetic and spiritual hygiene. Boundaries. Tending to one’s word. Integrity. Warriorship. Commitments and oaths. Honor.
Opening Ceremony
The Power of the Land
Inner and Outer environments. Living in right relationship. The web of life. Energetic patterns. Allies, elementals, and ancestors. Guardianship.
Primal Claiming Ceremony
The Power of Devotion
Creation of the energetic matrix. Devotion and reality design. Tending the seeds. Harvesting the fruit of your suffering. Invocation.
Elemental Altar Ceremony
The Power of Death
Metabolizing anger and rage into healing energy. Death eaters and the dark goddess. Shadow work. Karmic cleansing. Underworld. Composting.
Archetypal Embodiment Ceremony
The Power of Desire
Power In vs Power Out. Softening and surrendering. The Shadow Dom. Speaking into desire. Havingness. Integrity. Alignment. Attunement.
Dom Your Desire Ceremony
The Power of Polarity
The Other. The Outlier. Both/and. Tension. Magnetism. Mirror medicine. Entanglement. Tantric union. As above, so below.
Ancestral Honoring Ceremony
The Power of Principle
Noble Principles. Stewardship. Compass refinement. Taking responsibility. Embodying power. Inhabiting potency. Cultivating containers. Kingship.
Medicine Ceremony
The Power of the Edge
Rite of passage creation. Playing with imperfection. Space holding and setting. Real permission. Hunting your life. Instinctual creation of next best thing.
Threshold Ceremony
The Power of Witness
Initiation. Offering of self to the collective. Refinement of expression. Witnessing. Declarations. Agreements. Accountability.
Closing Ceremony
All ceremonies are virtual save for two, which will be IRL: the Medicine Ceremony and the Closing Ceremony (East coast location TBD.)
For those who cannot attend in person, a format will be provided for them to participate in parallel.
Why Power?
Here’s a hot take – not claiming your power is just as detrimental to the world as abusing it wildly.
For the effects of power operating in the shadows is felt by all involved.
I work with people around holding power because I believe that our energy is the essence we need to inhabit most deeply in order to enact and empower deep individual and collective healing of ourselves and our world.
Many of us were conditioned out of our instinct, our intuition, and our power at a very young age.
But when you are in your authentic power you can no longer be swayed.
Your truth becomes your protection.
Your power becomes big medicine.
This is why reclaiming your power is essential to your development as a spiritual being on this planet. You are impotent without it. The INITIATION experience is designed to create conditions where your power can be experienced, expressed, cleansed, refined, taken responsibility for, and commanded in ways that are healing instead of harmful.
So the real question is:
What could owning your power do for you?
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555 USD